Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Momentary Hiatus

I am still mourning over the loss of my beloved camera.
I'm not ready to talk about it...

The quilt was beautiful and is now residing in New Jersey!
I hope all is well in its new home.

I will be taking a momentary hiatus from the blog until I get a new camera.
However, I'm not putting a stop to my crafting!
I will be attending my first craft show in late October!
My house has been over taken by yarn and thread.
I can't wait to share my creations!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Something Fun to Come.

This is what I have been working on this past week. Yay!
I still have some extra work and you will be
able to veiw the finished product!

I also have been working on some childrens aprons(Ages 5-12years),
and Cabin Booties (Ages 0-3months and 3-6months)

I can't wait to share all of my love and hard work with everyone!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I'm trying something new!

I don't consider myself a seasoned quilter but I am definitely trying!

I started this project about a month ago.
My cousin is getting married next weekend!
(Congratulations Andrea & Kevin!)
So I decided as a gift I would make them a quilt.
She is moving away from the family and I thought it would
be nice to have something to remind her of home.

Now, I could only give you a peak of what it is going to look like.
I don't want to give it all away!
I will be posting the finished product after the wedding!

Monday, July 11, 2011

today was just a day.

Today Mr. Flood and I had the day off together!
This does not occur very often.
We both work hectic schedules, that are usually opposite each other.

We took a little extra time getting up so we could
lay and listen to the storm outside.
It was beautiful.

We had most of the day to just hang out.
So we decided to play a rousing game of Monopoly.

Game Face.

I lost, which is not a big surprise.
I lose interest pretty quickly.

So after our game I got some much needed crocheting done.
I am working on a lovely baby blanket.

(pictures to come)

It's for a little girl due in September.
The colors are ivory, a vintage shade of pink, and brown.

Can't wait to share it!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Behind the Scenes

I just wanted to share with you a little about my life.

This is me:

Although now I have blonde hair.

This is Mr.Flood:

He is my soulmate, support system, and personal comedian.
He rocks my socks!

These are our kids:

Lydia & Grr
They are crazy and loveable.
Grr loves coffee and Lydia loves love.
They make life interesting.

Thanks for stopping by the meet us!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

inspiration for your ears

I would like to share this sound with you

It has helped me to inspire the theme and feel of Fawn.
It is always important to use what you love for inspiration.
As well as reaching out to find new and exciting things!

I would like to think that all of my items
are going to help personalize an individuals lifestyle.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Hello there!
I'm Sara Flood.
Your friendly neighborhood blogger!
I fancy myself a crafter and am in the process of starting...

Handmade goods for everyone to enjoy.
Pillows, blankets, clothing, mittens, and anything else my creative heart desries.

I have been crafting since those first pj pants in
elemantary school and since then I havn't been able to stop.
All of my creations are made with love and positive energy.
Inspiration for most of my pieces comes from sitting at my dinning room table,
drinking massive amounts of coffee, and watching squirrels hanging out on my patio.

I am using this blog to help bring my crafts to you fine people.
Also I will be posting other things that touch and fuel my creative mind!
Hope you enjoy!